one NODE aims to contribute to the transmission of living heritage in its diversity to current and future generations. We would like to offer a ‘sense of identity and continuity’ for people through meaningful clothing and at the same time becoming a platform for people to experience, share and (re-)connect with their cultural heritage in a meaningful, contemporary, sustainable and innovative way.
Living Heritage Clothing Brand
oN is a meeting point at which cultural heritage and contemporary design philosophies intersect.
oN is about symbiosis between rural and urban, traditional and modern, innovation and sustainability.
oN is here to activate a meaningful process by reusing local resources and potentials in conjunction with European sourcing and production.
oN is located on the sublime rural west coast of Norway in Selje, Stad Kommune, Vestland.
one NODE. It’s oN!
In 2003, the UNESCO General Conference adopted the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage and is the core inspiration to the brand.